Get your free copy of the best new and improved

Speech Sound Acquisition Chart (with updated 2020 norms)

Including a cheat sheet to correctly explain them to professionals and parents!

Advocate for appropriate speech sound developmental norms like a pro with this easy-to-read chart.

Print it on cardstock to hang in your office, hand it to a concerned parent, or share with administrators to advocate for appropriate eligibility.

If you're waiting until age 8 to treat the /r/ in speech therapy, you're missing the boat!

Here's why:

  • Speech development charts have often been misinterpreted by clinicians and caregivers.
  • Old norms listed the age of acquisition for the R to be much later than appropriate.
  • Some norm charts show the age at which 50% of kids have acquired a sound and the age at which 90% of kids have acquired a sound, but some charts only show one age, so this can be confusing.
  • Updated norms were compiled from a thorough research review article in 2020, which better indicated the ages at which English-speaking children in the US should be able to produce consonant sounds.
  • New charts that were created to match the new norms were still confusing, but this new and improved chart takes the guess work out of speech sound development for professionals and caregivers.
  • Download it, print it, display it, use it! It's functional AND beautiful--just how you know I like it!

Get your copy of the most updated, beautiful, functional Speech Acquisition Chart

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